- Football is the most bet-on sport – 77% like to wager against a football match.

In a world of on-demand TV, sports matches are now rarely watched live. And yet, the genre still stands strong. Could this be credited towards the rise in betting? Does sports TV and betting go hand-in-hand?
Rugby tickets company Liverugbytickets.co.uk sought to answer this question among 1,748 British sporting fans. A survey was conducted to assess their betting behaviours on gambling.
Survey Results
Liverugbytickets.co.uk can reveal that the most bet on sports are football (77%), horse racing (57%) and tennis (47%). With significantly lowers preferences, are sports such as rugby (16%), boxing (13%), motor racing (12%), golf (11%), cricket (9%) and athletics (7%); whilst 29% replied ‘other’.
It appears that one-off betting far outweighs routine betting in this day and age, with 46% of respondents saying they bet ‘only for special sporting events’. This is followed by a few times a week (23%), daily (14%), a few times a month (8%), once a week (6%), once a month (3%), and finally less than once a month (2%).
The survey reveals many Brits would rather have some fun than win big. Surprisingly, the top reason why one-off betters wager, wasn’t to win money – 85% cited ‘to have some fun/make the most of the event’ as their main motive. ‘To try to win money’ was the next most common reason (59%), followed by ‘it’s a tradition’ (48%), ‘to support my team’ (19%) and finally ‘to keep up with the action’.
To better gauge behavioural trends, the next question asked: “How much more likely are you to watch a match/event if you have bet on it?”.
A stake in a game seems to persuade Brits to partake in the action, with 54% choosing ‘very likely’. 19% chose ‘likely’, followed by ‘somewhat likely’ (15%), ‘neither likely nor unlikely’ (6%), ‘somewhat unlikely’ (3%), ‘unlikely’ (2%) and finally ‘very unlikely’ (1%).
And finally, being able to watch a match live manipulates Brits’ decision on whether to bet. When asked “How likely are you to bet on an event if it ISN’T televised?”, around one in four (24%) said they are unlikely to.
This is a significant statistic, with remaining voters choosing: ‘Somewhat unlikely’ (19%), ‘very unlikely’ (17%), ‘neither likely nor unlikely’ (14%), ‘likely’ (11%), ‘somewhat likely’ (9%), and finally ‘very likely’ (6%). https://www.liverugbytickets.co.uk/.
Rugby tickets company Liverugbytickets.co.uk sought to answer this question among 1,748 British sporting fans. A survey was conducted to assess their betting behaviours on gambling.
Rugby tickets company Liverugbytickets.co.uk sought to answer this question among 1,748 British sporting fans. A survey was conducted to assess their betting behaviours on gambling.
Rugby tickets company Liverugbytickets.co.uk sought to answer this question among 1,748 British sporting fans. A survey was conducted to assess their betting behaviours on gambling.