global table game & game protection 2024

Global Table Games & Game Protection Conference

The European edition of the GTGC/GGPC is a 3-day event catering to the Casino Operations/Table Games and Game/Asset Protection sectors, with a  program that also includes sessions on Safer Gambling, ETGs, Slot Machines, Major Threats, Compliance, IT, Marketing, Customer Service and Player Development.

The conference brings a new perspective to the totality of Casino Operations. There has never been such an event in Europe. Its overall objective is to help educate people in the most important sectors of the Gaming Industry, combining the crucial elements of what we’re seeing now with what we’re going to see in the coming years. We will discuss much about new technologies gaining footholds in casinos such as Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognition, enhanced Video Surveillance, and Electronic Table Games.

Our individual presenters and round tables will cover Analytics, Goal Optimization, Operations, Product Development, Safer Gambling, Omnichannel Gaming, New Table Games and Leadership. Special sessions will take a look at the menacing risks of Cyber Attacks, Social Engineering of Employees and other high-stakes vulnerabilities. There are lots to learn for everyone at this premier London event.

The European Casino Association’s 2024 Safety and Security Workshop will take place within the GTGC/GGPC.

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