Gaming has chosen UK Responsible Gambling Week (7th – 13th November) to
broadcast its latest Webinar which is dedicated to the implementation of a
social responsibility culture in relation to ‘at risk’ VIP customers. The
Webinar, entitled: ‘Does the business model around loyalty and VIPs need to be
re-evaluated?’ features industry experts: Dan Illiovici, CEO, RomBET; Paul
Buck, CEO, Epic Risk Management; David Caruana, Responsible Gambling Manager,
Kindred Group plc; Janny Wierda, Responsible Gambling Manager, Holland Casino
and moderator, Marc Thomas, Partner, Prospect LLC. The Webinar takes
place at 3pm GMT on the 13th November. To register, visit: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/475309380265945613
Ewa Bakun, Clarion Gaming’s Director of Industry Insight and Engagement,
believes the promotion of safer gambling to VIP customers has proved to be an
important and complex issue for the industry. She explained: “Safer
gambling and social responsibility should apply equally to every demographic,
however the challenge is not just about identifying those at risk VIP customers
but also establishing how they should be approached and encouraged to find
professional assistance rather than being driven to play on other sites.
“The Webinar will, with the help of our experts, explore whether VIP at risk
gamblers require a different style of interaction and examine how the industry
can work together to reduce the reliance on VIP customers.”
The Webinar is the fourth in a programme of six dedicated to social
responsibility and part of Clarion Gaming’s strong SR focus which also includes
the expansion and relocation of the Consumer Protection Zone at ICE London, the
world’s biggest gaming technology event, which, in 2019 attracted over 35,000
b2b professionals from 155 countries.
To Step ‘Into The Future’
at ICE London alongside 600+ solutions experts and 35,000+ gaming professionals
for three days of business development, learning and celebrating the
international gaming community, visit www.icelondon.uk.com